Still, property prices have continued to soar, while the pace of transactions has increased, particularly following the Federal Reserve's latest round of quantitative easing. 虽然采取了这些措施,但香港的房地产价格还在一路飙升,特别是在美联储(FederalReserve)实行了最新一轮量化宽松货币政策后,香港的房地产交易速度出现了加快。
Physical property data proves that if the physical property of thin sand reservoir is above the threshold value of reserve calculation in its block, it will be good oil-gas reservoir. 物性分析资料证实,部分薄砂层的储层物性在所在区块的储量计算界限值以上,可以成为好的油气储集层。
Property developers will only need to bid80 per cent of the government's reserve price to trigger the auction of a site on the application list. 只要发展商提出的勾地价达政府订出的市价的80%或以上,政府将接纳其勾地申请,将地皮推出拍卖。
Physical and Chemical Property of Forest Soil in Three Tiger Nature Reserve 三匹虎自然保护区森林土壤理化性质的研究
Note as well that I am setting the property "DelayAllocatePages", this implements a pseudo reserve/ commit model where we will use the space once is needed. 注意,使用DelayAllocatePages属性后,只有在必要的时候才会预留/提交地址空间。
The property is to be put up on the market without reserve. 这份房地产将不规定最低价格拿到市场上去拍卖。
This parer studied-the school property, goal and administrative system of experimental middle schools of sportsmen reserve on the basis of investigation. 本文在调查的基础上对体育后备人才试点中学的办学性质、培养目标、领导体制等问题作了研究、探讨。
It provides data for heavy oil production and analyzing thermal physical property of reservoir. It plays an important role in stratified steam injection and improving producing degree of heavy oil reserve. 为稠油开发和油藏热物性分析提供了分析资料和数据,在分层注汽和提高稠油动用程度上具有重要作用。
Influence of Property Right on Valuation of Human Capital Establishment of the Methods on Natural Capital Evaluations of Chinese Natural Reserve 产权在人力资本评估中的影响分析我国自然保护区自然资本评估方法体系建立
The government should set property rights in law in order to lay a good foundation for market mechanisms, establish urban land reserve system and improve urban land reserve center functions to compensate for the shortcomings of market mechanisms. 政府用法律的形式将产权确定下来,为市场机制运行打好基础;为了弥补市场机制的缺陷,政府应该建立城市土地储备制度,完善城市土地储备中心的职能;
Polypyrrole ( PPy) is one of the typical conducting polymers. It can be used as anode of lithium secondary battery because of its high conductivity and electrical redox property, high electric charge reserve ability and good stability in air or water. 聚吡咯(PPy)是一种典型的导电高分子,具有较高的导电性、可逆的氧化还原特性,电荷贮存能力较强,在空气和水中稳定性较好,是锂/聚合物二次电池理想的正极材料。
Polypyrrole ( PPy) and polyaniline ( PAn) can be used as cathode electroactive materials in secondary battery because they possess good conductivity and electrochemical redox property, high electric charge reserve ability and good stability in air or water. 聚吡咯(PPy)、聚苯胺(PAn)具有良好的导电性和电化学氧化还原特性,而且电荷贮存能力强,在空气和水中稳定性较好,因而可作为二次电池的正极活性材料。
Through the technique of internet, ASP, and database, building up the digital wood exemplar museum which not only solve the many problems such as the small storage space and worse environment conditions, but also make the property of sample to gain perpetual reserve. 运用Internet网络技术、ASP技术以及数据库技术将木材标本馆进行数字化,解决标本的存贮空间小、环境条件差等问题,使标本及其各种属性得到永久性保存。
The non-producing reserves are mainly characterized by poor petrophysical property, low reserve abundance and large variation of reservoir buried depth, etc. 新疆油田低渗透孔隙型油藏未动用储量的主要特点为储层物性差、储量丰度低、油藏埋藏深度变化范围大等。
The property law promulgated in the future should reserve proper space for the pledge of common obligatory right. 将来的《物权法》即使不为指名债权质权设立详细的规则,也应当为指名债权质权的存在预留适当的空间。
Major property and casualty insurance companies in China differ in the calculation method of incurred and reported loss reserve which, to a large extent, undermines the accuracy of their results of accounting profits and weakens the effectiveness of solvency margin supervision by the regulator. 我国主要财产保险公司之间的已发生已报案未决赔款准备金的评估方法具有很大的差异性,这在很大程度上影响了保险公司核算经营损益的准确性,弱化了监管机构实施偿付能力监管的基础。
Domestic banks need to strengthen the strategic management of financial intellectual property rights and enhance the core competitiveness. And provide the strategic reserve for their future sustainable development. 我国商业银行需要加强金融知识产权保护的管理,提高核心竞争力,为其未来可持续发展提供战略储备。
Based on the specific manifestation of the existing land reserve against the land property rights, the reasons for the above phenomenon are analyzed, and the specific suggestions are put forward to improve the protection of property rights in the land reserve. 从现行土地储备侵害土地物权的具体表现入手,分析了产生上述现象的原因,并对完善土地储备中的物权保护问题提出具体建议。
In order to set up clear property rights and reduce the external impact, it is necessary to break the current pattern of marine space which is intensively exploited, to project the reasonable marine exploration space, and to reserve appropriate marine area for development. 为建立明晰的产权,降低外部性影响,就要打破当前密集的海域使用格局,合理划分海域使用区,预留合理发展海域。
It made our property lawmaking lack of reserve in the practice and theory, then affected overall level in property lawmaking. 这使得我国物权立法在实践上和理论上的储备都不甚丰富,进而影响了物权立法的整体水平。
In the end, the property insurance claim reserve evaluation methods and the prospect of its development are summarized. 最后对财产保险公司赔款准备金评估方法进行了总结,对其发展进行了展望。
In our country the actuarial study is backward, especially for non-life insurance actuarial study, with the result that property insurance companies have a great deal of flexibility in product pricing and assessment of the reserve. 而我国对保险精算的研究起步较晚,尤其对非寿险精算理论的研究更要滞后,致使财产保险公司在产品定价和准备金评估方面具有很大的灵活性。
Property units closely linked to the land reserve institutions, the government of the land purchase price formation mechanism of to interpret land acquisition. 通过与土地储备机构紧密联系的产权单位、政府对土地收购价格形成机制来解读土地收购工作。
Due to lacking of a unified law to norm the land reserve behaviors, the system is even used as a tool for the government to increase fiscal revenue. Many local governments are suspected to violate the Chinese Property Law in improper land reserve modes. 由于缺乏统一法律规范土地储备行为,使得该制度甚至沦为政府增加财政收入的工具,很多地方政府的土地储备模式都有违反我国《物权法》的嫌疑。
Therefore, under the background of the financial crisis, this paper has important and practical significance for discussing the legal property with financial security and gold reserve. 因此,在后金融危机的背景下,探讨黄金储备与金融安全的法律属性具有重要的现实意义。